Friday, January 30, 2009

Eight Net Generation Norms

Hi all -
I thought I would share the Eight Net Generation Norms that Don Tapscott discusses in Grown Up Digital.

They are:
1. Freedom
2. Customization
3. Scrutiny
4. Integrity
5. Collaboration
6. Entertainment
7. Speed
8. Innovation

I would like for us all to keep these in mind as we ponder the future of our schools and education in the United States. As I think about my students and, frankly, my children, I see all of these as being vital to their engagement in the learning process. Tapscott makes the argument that my generation is a TV generation. We did a lot of watching (and certainly learned a great deal in the process, but watching notheless). We were told what we would be watching, who we would be watching and listening to, and when it would happen. Now, we have choices. We don't have to just watch the news. We can choose which channel or website to use as our news source. We can comment on the news, read blogs, and change channels at will. I believe that we are moving into an era of decision-making in terms of when and how we get our information, when and how we are entertained, and what it will look like (customization). The lines between entertainment, learning, work, and communication will get blurrier as we go.

I highly recommend this book. It has already impacted my teaching and thought in conjunction with the book, Disrupting Class. I do believe that these concepts provide a great structure for framing our planning, content delivery, and work as educators in the coming months and years.

More to come.

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